Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Ills

Let’s face it: When the Dummy books start coming out about this or that subject, whatever it is has become passe. Blogging is now passe. I’m sitting behind a older gentleman — and by “older” I mean he’s probably the same age as me, but not nearly as well-preserved — and he’s buying an armload of how-to books on the subject of WordPress.


A free program supported by free themes and free widgets and countless free tutorials, I-don’t-know-how-many pages of documentation, and a ridiculously simple user interface.

And there are a zillion books out there explaining all of this. Sure, it’s probably a little complicated to set up a WordPress blog. Like… well, like this one here. But there are free blogging programs out there — Blogger being the most famous — that require nothing of you other than your email address and a bit of typing. So you can have your WordPress if you must, but it’s not a requirement.

Still, someone is out there making a buck off this free program. Quite a few people are making quite a few bucks off this free program. All of this begs one thought: Why not me? Shouldn’t I be the chosen one, the annointed one, the one to explain WordPress to the masses?

Yes. And that would have been a great idea last year, but this is 2010, the Year of the Something-Or-Other, the year before the year before I turn sixty.

That doesn’t really make any sense, does it? If this is true — and I just wrote it, so it must be true — then it’s time to return to my original premise. If there are books out there explaining WordPress to the initiate, to the moron, to the terminally stupid, then this is a craze that has already peaked.

It’s time to explain Facebook.

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