The Box

“I knew what I wanted to do a minute ago. Now it’s gone.”

“What’s gone?”

“What I wanted to do. It’s gone.”

“I don’t follow. What you wanted to do?”

“Right. What I wanted to do. I don’t know.”

“Um… OK. You want any more wine?”

“No, I’m good. Where is this going, anyway?”

“What, this conversation?”

“No, this box. You have it all taped up, and it’s been out here for a week. You want me to put it in the garage or something?”

“Oh, that. No, that’s fine. I’ll take care of it.”

“Well, take care of it soon, will you?”

“Yeah, yeah. Did you get that thing?”

“What thing?”

“That thing I asked you to get. The shower thing.”

“No. I’ve been a little busy.”

“Fine. I’ll just go get it in the morning.”

“Why don’t you take that box with you when you go to get it?”

“I’ll take care of it when I take care of it.”

“Sorry… geez!”

“Look, I’ve had a long day and I don’t want to talk about that stupid box.”

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