Thursday in General

One wonders what there is to do on a Thursday, a Thursday spent as a chauffeur and a chaperone, an author and an advisor, a grunt and a gardener, a cook and… something else that starts with a “c.” The problem this day, as in all other days, is that there is no movie camera, no tape recorder in my head, no otherworldly audience to capture all that I experience. There is just me, just the trillions of cells that are capable of noticing and noting such things.

And that’s probably why everyone else blogs — to put it down for posterity, whatever that turns out to be, to ensure that every thought (no matter how mundane) survives. Why? I have no idea. My preference is to keep such things to myself, although this bit certainly does no such thing.

But I mention Thursday in the title. WordPress will, no doubt, record exactly which Thursday that is, leaving me free to discuss the weightier matters of the day.

Israel continues to pound Lebanon, and our media brings us harmless pictures of the chaos and destruction. There’s a smoke plume here, a distant explosion there, and occasional shots of someone being loaded into an ambulance. We always here of the destruction on both sides, so as not to violate the rule of balance. That is, if mention is made of Israeli bombs falling in Lebanon, mention must also be made of Hizbollah rockets falling in Israel. Sometimes there will be numbers or damage reports attached. When that happens, we get to guage for ourselves how “balanced” things really are.

Iraq continues to fall apart, but it’s been pushed from the front page by the fighting in Lebanon. Nonetheless, the various factions there continue to snuff out their fellow humans with a wild abandon. One hundred deaths a day. And this is how we measure success?

Speaking of success, I wonder if anyone out there can point to a single success that George Bush has had? Just one will do, any success, anything other than the success he has had fattening the wallets of the wealthy.

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