Dickheads Pounding Sand

I got into a Twitter exchange with an ultra-right-wing person (@PolitiBunny) about the recent “nuclear option” invoked by Harry Reid to finally put an end to Republican obstruction of President Obama’s judicial nominees and executive appointments. Like most right-wingers on the Internet, she was very intolerant of viewpoints other than her own, and she displayed a, shall we say, “interesting” grasp of the concept of logical argument. For example, at one point, she said “So you’re condoning silencing about half the country,” apparently oblivious to the fact that the tactics of the minority in the Senate had the effect of silencing over half of the country. (I suspect she’s not aware that the President is the only nationally elected official; all others, Senators and Representatives, are elected on either a statewide or a local basis.)

She saved her most brilliant rhetorical flourish for last, however, when she said “Let’s be real friendly here dickhead, I don’t care what you are of (sic) what you think. 🙂 Pound sand.

Now, I ask you: Is that the most devastating put-down you’ve ever read? No? You think it’s rather juvenile? Right. Me too, but it’s representative (if a little mild) of what most right-wingers on the Internet think is reasonable conversation.

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