My Deity Can Beat Up Your Deity

I’m dreaming, dreaming of bumper stickers:


My deity can take your deity


Yeah. That’s the ticket! Rub their noses in your superiority!


My deity has authorized me
to kill in his/her/its name,
so watch it, bub!


That should keep them from tailgating, don’t you think?


Your political beliefs,
if they aren’t the same as mine,
are horsepucky.


Well… we’re getting a little generic here, but it’s the thought that counts.


I Believe in Free Speech for me.
And for you, too, As Long as You Agree with Me.


Is that a little too honest? I thought that’s what we were going for…


My Deity has given me the authority
to tell you how to live. So there.


You never know if people are going to tell you exactly what it is they’re thinking, or what it is that they really mean, but maybe they will:

I have a large gun.
Therefore, I am right and you are wrong.

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