Author Archives: mistermeyer

Mistermeyer was born in the past and will, in all likelihood, die in the future. During the intervening period, he spends his time writing short bios like this.


At some point in the dim, distant past — around the time I was born, just before Dwight Eisenhower took the oath of office — incorporated businesses accounted for 32 percent of Federal tax receipts. By contrast, personal income taxes — not including Social Security and other retirement programs — accounted for 42.2 percent. Things […]

Dinner is Pending

They are looking at me with their sad eyes and their upturned faces and even though they are not saying a word I know what it is they want. It’s what they always want, every day, morning noon and night. It’s what haunts my dreams and occupies almost every waking thought. It’s what I spend […]

Steaming Like an Old Man’s Dreams

I was old once, for a minute, but I got over it. I took a look in the mirror and then forgot all about it. I looked at my hands and decided to look somewhere else. I smelled something, something in the air, something from long ago, and then I remembered. Everything. Her hair, her […]

Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Ills

Let’s face it: When the Dummy books start coming out about this or that subject, whatever it is has become passe. Blogging is now passe. I’m sitting behind a older gentleman — and by “older” I mean he’s probably the same age as me, but not nearly as well-preserved — and he’s buying an armload […]

The Box

“I knew what I wanted to do a minute ago. Now it’s gone.” “What’s gone?” “What I wanted to do. It’s gone.” “I don’t follow. What you wanted to do?” “Right. What I wanted to do. I don’t know.” “Um… OK. You want any more wine?” “No, I’m good. Where is this going, anyway?” “What, […]

Stage Left

Lazy afternoons breed lazy minds. That’s what the sign said, the sign right behind the meat cutter. The meat cutter that hadn’t sliced anything in three days, the meat cutter in the deli that had been empty for three days at the back of a store that hadn’t seen a customer in three days. And […]

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Come, mister tallyman — tally me banana!

Was That Seat Taken?

Why is the spoon always in the sink? Why?

It’s not time

What happens if I drink this?