Author Archives: Jim

Jim invented Palubination and was set to make his fortune before the tragic accident. Now, he spends his days spouting gibberish.

Whatever Happened to Stripe Toothpaste?

Ah, youth. That quintessential quality, that state of being, that utter lack of being older. And that’s all it is, a time in your life when you haven’t lived as long as you will. Which, incidentally, is always true, but that’s getting away from the spirit of things. Youth is highly prized by those who […]

The Curl of a Tale

Catie is sitting on top of her platform, tranquilly surveying the neighborhood.

Where I Am Today

Drupal is the current task: Here’s the link to the handbook for those of you who are interested.

Thursday in General

One wonders what there is to do on a Thursday, a Thursday spent as a chauffeur and a chaperone, an author and an advisor, a grunt and a gardener, a cook and… something else that starts with a “c.” The problem this day, as in all other days, is that there is no movie camera, […]

Our Declaration of Blogness

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one blog to dissolve the political bands which have connected it with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle it, a decent respect to the […]